
تحميل وطباعة هذه الصفحة

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بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الاثنين، 21 فبراير 2022

انتفاء التنازع بين القضاء العادي ولجان السجل العيني القضائية بالقسم المساحي لانعدام الأخيرة بحكم الدستورية

الدعوى رقم 14 لسنة 41 ق "تنازع" جلسة 16 / 1 / 2022

باسم الشعب

المحكمة الدستورية العليا

بالجلسة العلنية المنعقدة يوم الأحد السادس عشر من يناير سنة 2022م، الموافق الثالث عشر من جمادى الآخر سنة 1443 ه.

برئاسة السيد المستشار / سعيد مرعى عمرو رئيس المحكمة

وعضوية السادة المستشارين: بولس فهمى إسكندر والدكتور محمد عماد النجار والدكتور طارق عبد الجواد شبل وخالد أحمد رأفت دسوقي وعلاء الدين أحمد السيد والدكتورة فاطمة محمد أحمد الرزاز نواب رئيس المحكمة

وحضور السيد المستشار / عوض عبدالحميد عبدالله رئيس هيئة المفوضين

وحضور السيد / محمد ناجى عبد السميع أمين السر

أصدرت الحكم الآتي

في الدعوى المقيدة بجدول المحكمة الدستورية العليا برقم 14 لسنة 41 قضائية "تنازع".

المقامة من

عبد الحكيم أحمد السيد حجازي


1- رئيس الجمهورية

2- رئيس مجلس الوزراء

3- وزير العدل

4- رئيس مصلحة السجل العيني والشهر العقاري بالقاهرة

5- أمين عام الشهر العقاري والسجل العيني بندر محافظة الفيوم

6- ممدوح أحمد محمد حسان

7- ثريا أحمد مصطفى محمد علي صالح



بتاريخ الثامن والعشرين من مارس سنة 2019، أودع المدعي صحيفة هذه الدعوى قلم كتاب المحكمة الدستورية العليا، طالبًا الحكم، أولًا: بصفة مستعجلة، وقف تنفيذ الحكم الصادر في الدعوى رقم 52 لسنة 2012 مدني كلي حكومة الفيوم، بجلسة 24/5/2017، المقدم بشأنه الطلب رقم 468 المؤرخ 20/12/2018، من المدعى عليه السادس لمأمورية السجل العيني بالفيوم لشهره. ثانيًا: في الموضوع، بعدم الاعتداد بذلك الحكم، واعتباره كأن لم يكن، لانعدام المحل، وصدوره من قضاء غير مختص، وتعارضه مع تنفيذ الحكم الصادر بجلسة 10/4/2011، في الدعوى رقم 3 لسنة 2009، من اللجنة القضائية للقسم المساحي لمصلحة السجل العيني بالفيوم. ثالثًا: الاعتداد بالحكم الصادر من اللجنة القضائية المشار إليها.

وقدمت هيئة قضايا الدولة مذكرة، طلبت فيها الحكم بعدم قبول الدعوى.

وأثناء تحضير الدعوى لدى هيئة المفوضين بالمحكمة، قدم المدعى عليه السادس مذكرة، طلب فيها الحكم، أصليًا: بعدم اختصاص المحكمة بنظر الدعوى، واحتياطيًا: بعدم قبول الدعوى، ومن باب الاحتياط الكلى: برفضها.

وبعد تحضير الدعوى، أودعت هيئة المفوضين تقريرًا برأيها.

ونُظرت الدعوى على النحو المبين بمحضر جلسة 4/12/2021، وفيها قدم محام المدعى عليه السادس شهادة تفيد وفاته، فقررت المحكمة إصدار الحكم في الدعوى بجلسة 1/1/2022، ثم قررت مد أجل النطق بالحكم لجلسة اليوم.



بعد الاطلاع على الأوراق، والمداولة.

حيث إن الوقائع تتحصل – على ما يتبين من صحيفة الدعوى وسائر الأوراق – في أن نزاعًا ثار بين المدعي والمدعى عليه السادس على ملكية قطعة الأرض الزراعية الكائنة بحوض بين البحرين، القطعة رقم 68 كدستر بالحوض رقم (19) بناحية المندرة التابعة لسجل عيني مركز الفيوم، المبينة بالأوراق، إذ استند المدعي في ملكيته إلى عقد بيع عرفي صادر من صاحب التكليف الأصلي - ورثة/ علي بك صالح - تحصل بمقتضاه على استمارة تسوية وفقًا لنص المادة (19) من قانون السجل العيني الصادر بالقرار بالقانون رقم 142 لسنة 1964، قيدت برقم 84 لسنة 2007، وصدر لصالحه، بناء عليها، القرار رقم 129 بتاريخ 26 نوفمبر سنة 2008، من القسم المساحي بالفيوم. وإذ لم يلق هذا القرار قبولًا من المدعى عليه السادس، فقد أقام عنه التظلم رقم 3 لسنة 2009، أمام اللجنة المشكلة وفق أحكام المادة (21) من قانون نظام السجل العيني المشار إليه، فقضت اللجنة بجلسة 10/4/2011، برفض التظلم. فطعن على قرارها أمام محكمة استئناف بني سويف " مأمورية الفيوم"، بالاستئناف رقم 635 لسنة 47 قضائية، وقضت فيه بجلسة 10/4/2012، بعدم جواز نظر الاستئناف، مستندة في ذلك إلى نهائية الأحكام التي تصدرها اللجنة المشار إليها، وعدم قابليتها للطعن عليها بالاستئناف، إذا كانت قيمة الحق المتنازع عليه لا يتجاوز النصاب النهائي للمحكمة الابتدائية. لم يرتض المدعى عليه السادس هذا الحكم، فطعن عليه أمام محكمة النقض بالطعن رقم 9598 لسنة 82 قضائية، ولم يفصل فيه بعد.

ومن جانب آخر، فقد أقام المدعى عليه السادس، بتاريخ 28/3/2012، الدعوى رقم 52 لسنة 2012 مدنى كلى حكومة، أمام محكمة الفيوم الابتدائية، مختصمًا فيها المدعي، والمدعى عليهم الثالث والخامس والسابعة، والأمين العام لمكتب الشهر العقاري والسجل العيني بالفيوم، طالبًا الحكم بتثبيت ملكيته لقطعة الأرض الزراعية المتنازع عليها، على سند من تملكها بموجب عقد بيع من المدعى عليها السابعة، وثبوت حيازته لها بالتقادم الطويل بناء على سند ظاهر وصحيح. وبجلسة 24/5/2017، قضت المحكمة بتثبيت ملكيته لقطعة الأرض المتنازع عليها بالتقادم الطويل المكسب للملكية. لم يرتض المدعي هذا الحكم، فطعن عليه أمام محكمة استئناف بني سويف " مأمورية الفيوم"، بالاستئناف رقم 625 لسنة 53 قضائية، وبجلسة 21/12/2017، قضت المحكمة بعدم جواز نظر الاستئناف، لعدم إيداع المستأنف الكفالة المنصوص عليها في المادة (221) من قانون المرافعات.

وإذ ارتأى المدعي أن كلا الحكمين السالفي الذكر قد صدرا عن جهتين قضائيتين مختلفتين، وقد تناقضا موضوعًا، فأقام الدعوى المعروضة طالبًا الحكم بعدم الاعتداد بالحكم الصادر لصالح المدعى عليه السادس، في الدعوى رقم 52 لسنة 2012 مدنى كلى حكومة الفيوم، لمخالفته قواعد الاختصاص القيمي، ولتناقض أسبابه مع منطوقه

وحيث إن وفاة المدعى عليه السادس كانت بعد أن تهيأت الدعوى المعروضة للحكم فيها، ومن ثم فإن المحكمة تمضى إلى الفصل فيها.

وحيث إن مناط قبول طلب الفصل في النزاع الذي يقوم بشأن تنفيذ حكمين نهائيين متناقضين، طبقًا لنص البند (ثالثًا) من المادة (25) من قانون المحكمة الدستورية العليا الصادر بالقانون رقم 48 لسنة 1979 - على ما جرى عليه قضاء هذه المحكمة - أن يكون أحد الحكمين صادرًا من إحدى جهات القضاء أو هيئة ذات اختصاص قضائي، والآخر صادرًا من جهة قضائية أخرى منها، وأن يكونا قد حسما النزاع في موضوعه، وتناقضا بحيث يتعذر تنفيذهما معًا. مما مؤداه: أن النزاع الذي يقوم بسبب تناقض الأحكام النهائية، وتنعقد لهذه المحكمة ولاية الفصل فيه، هو ذلك الذي يكون بين أحكام صادرة من أكثر من جهة من جهات القضاء، أو الهيئات ذات الاختصاص القضائي، فإذا ما آل أمر الادعاء بالتناقض إلى انصرافه إلى حد واحد، خرج الفصل فيه عن ولاية المحكمة الدستورية العليا.

وحيث إن المادة (21) من قانون السجل العيني الصادر بقرار رئيس الجمهورية بالقانون رقم 142 لسنة 1964 تنص على أنه " تشكل في كل قسم مساحي لجنة قضائية برئاسة رئيس محكمة ابتدائية، وعضوية اثنين من موظفي المصلحة، أحدهما قانوني والثاني هندسي، وتختص هذه اللجنة دون غيرها في النظر في جميع الدعاوى والطلبات التي ترفع خلال السنة الأولى بعد العمل بهذا القانون لإجراء تغيير في بيانات السجل العيني .

ويصدر بتعيين أعضائها ولائحة إجراءاتها قرار من وزير العدل" .

وتنص المادة (23) من القانون ذاته على أنه " تكون الأحكام التي تصدرها اللجنة نهائية في الأحوال الآتية: 1- ......2-....... 3- إذا كان الحق المتنازع فيه لا يتجاوز أصلا النصاب النهائي للمحكمة الابتدائية".

وتنص المادة (24) من ذلك القانون على أنه " فيما عدا الأحوال الواردة بالمادة السابقة، تكون الأحكام الصادرة من اللجنة قابلة للاستئناف أمام محكمة الاستئناف الواقع في دائرتها القسم المساحي".

وحيث إن المحكمة الدستورية العليا، قضت بجلسة الثاني من يونيه سنة 2018، في الدعوى رقم 10 لسنة 35 قضائية "دستورية"، بعدم دستورية نصى المادتين (21) و(24) من قانون السجل العيني الصادر بقرار رئيس الجمهورية بالقانون رقم 142 لسنة 1964، وبسقوط نص المادة (23) من القانون ذاته، وقرار وزير العدل رقم (553) لسنة 1976 بشأن لائحة الإجراءات التي تتبع أمام اللجنة المنصوص عليها في المادة (21) من قانون السجل العيني المشار إليه. وكان النصان المحكوم بعدم دستوريتهما في تلك الدعوى، ينظمان تشكيل لجنة في كل قسم مساحي، تختص بالفصل في جميع الدعاوى والطلبات التي ترفع خلال السنة الأولى بعد العمل بالقانون المشار إليه، لإجراء تغيير في بيانات السجل العيني، واختصاص محكمة الاستئناف الواقع في دائرتها القسم المساحي، بالفصل في الطعن على القرارات - الأحكام - غير النهائية التي تصدرها تلك اللجان.

وحيث إن مؤدى الحكم الصادر في الدعوى الدستورية المشار إليها أن التنظيم التشريعي الذي ولدت من رحمه لجان السجل العيني بالقسم المساحي، وما نيط بها من اختصاصات، وفقًا لحكم المادة (21) من قانون السجل العيني الصادر بقرار رئيس الجمهورية بالقانون رقم 142 لسنة 1964، قد صارت هي والعدم سواء، منذ نشأتها، إعمالاً للأثر الرجعى للحكم الصادر بعدم دستورية النص التشريعي المشار إليه، وقد استطال ذلك الأثر لقرار لجنة السجل العيني بالقسم المساحي بالفيوم الصادر بجلسة 10/4/2011، في التظلم رقم 3 لسنة 2009، المقام من المدعى عليه السادس، والأمر ذاته في شأن الاستئناف المقام طعنًا عليه، رقم 635 لسنة 47 قضائية، من محكمة استئناف بني سويف " مأمورية الفيوم"، بجلسة 10/4/2012، المنتهى إلى عدم جواز الاستئناف، إذ لم تستقر المراكز القانونية لأطراف الخصومة الموضوعية في ذلك التظلم بحكم بات قبل صدور الحكم بعدم دستورية نصى المادتين (21، 24) من القرار بقانون السالف الذكر، كون ذلك النزاع مازال مطروحًا على محكمة النقض في الطعن رقم 9598 لسنة 82 قضائية. ومن ثم فإن أحد حدى التناقض في الدعوى المعروضة، قد زال، وانعدم وجوده، مما لزامه الحكم بعدم قبول الدعوى.

وحيث إنه عن طلب وقف تنفيذ الحكم الصادر في الدعوى رقم 52 لسنة 2012 مدني كلي حكومة الفيوم، فإن المقرر في قضاء المحكمة الدستورية العليا أن طلب وقف تنفيذ أحد الحكمين المتناقضين أو كليهما، فرع من أصل النزاع حول فض التناقض بينهما. متى كان ذلك، وكانت المحكمة قد انتهت إلى عدم قبول الدعوى المعروضة، ومن ثم فإن مباشرة رئيس المحكمة الدستورية العليا اختصاص البت في هذا الطلب، وفقًا لنص المادة (32) من قانونها، يكون قد صار غير ذي موضوع.

فلهذه الأسباب

حكمت المحكمة بعدم قبول الدعوى.

Cassation Appeal 4381 for the year 78 S Session 2 /1 /2017 Technical Office 68 S 1 Pg.19

January 2, 2017 session
Headed by Judge / Ibrahim Al-Hunaidi, Vice President of the Court, and the membership of Judges / Mustafa Muhammad, Hisham Al-Shafei, Hussain Al-Nakhlawi and Abbas Abdel Salam, deputies of the President of the Court.
Appeal No. 4381 of Judicial Year 78

(1) The ruling on “ Causation data” is “causing it. Causing is not faulty.”

A statement of the judgment and the fact of the case, including all the legal elements of the crime that the appellant has condemned, and his statement that it was established against him, as compelling evidence that leads to what he arranged for it. No shortcomings.

The law did not draw a special form for drafting the judgment. Referring to what leads to an understanding of the incident, its pillars and circumstances. No shortcomings.

(2) pleas “the plea that the case may not be considered due to the previous adjudication.” The ruling on “causing it is not defective.”

Expiry of the judgment for refusal to plead that the case may not be heard due to the previous adjudication of it, because the misdemeanors subject to the plea are not restricted against the accused, and no evidence of its finality has been submitted. True .

(3) Inferences. The trial court has “its authority to assess the seriousness of the investigations.” Refusal of the “reasons for appeal. What is not accepted from them.”

The court has the right to rely on the police investigations as they corroborate the evidence presented by it.

Dispute in the validity of the investigations. Objective controversy in estimating the evidence. It is not permissible in front of the veto .

(4) investment of funds. Reply . The penalty of “exemption”.

Enjoying the exemption stipulated in Article 21, second paragraph of Law No. 146 of 1988. Condition: The response must take place before a final judgment is issued in the case.

Exemption authority. objective. arguing about it. Unacceptable.


1- As the contested judgment indicated the fact of the case, including all the legal elements of the crime that the appellant had condemned, and provided evidence for its proof against him from the statements of the victims and the lawyer of the Capital Market Authority and the results of the investigations of the officer in the Anti- Public Funds Crimes Department, which are Justifiable and sufficient evidence to carry his judgment and that would lead to the order of the ruling on it. Since that was, and it was decided that the law did not draw a special form in which the judgment formulates the statement of the punishable incident and the circumstances in which it occurred, when the total of what the judgment stated - as is the casein the case at hand - is sufficient to understand the incident with its elements and circumstances as concluded by the court, This was in fulfillment of the rule of law, as the claim of deficiencies in causation has no place.

        2- Since the judgment had ended in refusing to plead that the case may not be considered due to the previous ruling in misdemeanours, numbers... on the grounds that they are not bound against the accused, in addition to the failure to provide evidence of their finality. The appellant's defense in this regard, and then the appellant's denial in this regard is invalid.

        3- It is decided that the court should rely in the formation of its creed on what came in the investigations of the police as it corroborates the evidence presented by it as long as it was assured of its seriousness, and since the judgment relied in convicting the appellant on the statements of the victims that were supported by the evidence of the investigations of the detective officer, as well as regarding the statements of the Capital Market Authority's lawyer, what the appellant raises about the incorrectness of the investigations is nothing more than a substantive argument in assessing the evidence and in the authority of the trial court to elicit its belief from it that may not be raised before the Court of Cassation.

        4- Since the text of Article 21 in its second paragraph - of Law No. 146 of 1988 - states that the legislator has permitted the court to exempt the offender if the response takes place before a final judgment is issued in the case, the court's assessment of or not it implements its authority in the exemption is one of the releases of the trial court without commenting on it, the appellant's argument in this regard becomes unacceptable.


the facts

        The Public Prosecution charged the appellant and others with:

 1 - They received money from the public, amounting to.... to be employed and invested in the field of various commercial tenders, in return for a monthly return that varies from person to person without being licensed to engage in this activity as indicated in the investigations.

2. They refrained from refunding the funds subject to the previous accusation and due to the victims and which they received from them after implementing the provisions of Law 146 of 1988 regarding companies working in the field of receiving funds for investment as indicated in the investigations.

And referred him to a criminal court .... to punish him in accordance with the record and description contained in the referral order.

The aforementioned court ruled in his presence pursuant to Articles 1/1, 21/1, 2, 24 of Law No. 146 of 1988 with the implementation of the text of Articles 17 and 32 of the Penal Code, punishing him with imprisonment with hard labor for one year and a fine of one hundred thousand pounds for what is attributed to him. Suspension of the penalty of imprisonment and a fine imposed on him for a period of three years starting from the date of issuance of the judgment.

        The convict appealed this ruling by way of cassation...etc.



     As the appellant mourns the contested judgment that, if he convicted him of a crime, he received funds from the public to use and invest them in contravention of the provisions of the law, he was marred by shortcomings in causation, corruption in reasoning and error in the application of the law, because he did not indicate the incident that deserves punishment in a statement that fulfills the elements of the crime with which he condemned him Especially since the papers were devoid of evidence that he had received money from the victim, and he put forward his plea that the case may not be considered due to the previous adjudication of it in a way that does not justify his dismissal. Law No. 146 of 1988, all of this flaws the ruling and requires it to be set aside.

    Whereas the contested judgment clarified the fact of the case, including all the legal elements of the crime that the appellant had condemned, and provided evidence for its proof against him from the statements of the victims and the lawyer of the Capital Market Authority and the results of the investigations of the officer in the Anti- Public Funds Crimes Department, which are evidence Justifiable and sufficient to carry his judgment, and it would lead to the order of the judgment. Since that was the case, and itwas decided that the law did not draw a special form in which the judgment formulates a statement of the punishable incident and the circumstances in which it occurred, so when the sum of what the judgment stated - as is the case in the case at hand - is sufficient in understanding the incident with its elements and circumstances as concluded by the court, it was This is in fulfillment of the rule of law, as the claim of shortcoming in causation has no place. what wasThat, and the judgment had ended in a refusal to plead that the case may not be considered due to the previous ruling in misdemeanours , numbers... on the grounds that they are not bound against the accused, in addition to the failure to provide evidence of their finality. The appellant’s plea in this regard, and then the appellant’s denunciation in this regard is incorrect. Since that was the case, and it was decided that the court had to rely in the formation of its creed on what came in the investigations of the police as it corroborated the evidence presented by it as long as it was assured of its seriousness, and since the judgment had relied in convicting the appellant on the statements of the victims that were supported by the evidence of the investigations The investigation officer, as well as the statements of the lawyer of the Capital Market Authority,What the appellant raises about the incorrectness of the investigations is nothing more than a substantive argument in assessing the evidence and in the authority of the trial court to elicit her belief from them, which may not be raised before the Court of Cassation. Since that was the case, and what was stated in Article 21 in its second paragraph that the legislator had permitted the court to exempt the offender if the response occurred before a final judgment was issued in the case, the court's assessment of whether or not it implements its authority in the exemption is one of the releases of the trial court without comment on it, and the appellant's argument becomes This particular is not acceptable.In view of the foregoing, the appeal in its entirety is without merit and must be rejected as a matter of fact.


الأحد، 20 فبراير 2022

Cassation Appeal 1568 for the year 79 S Session 5 /11 /2017 Technical Office 68 S Syndicates Pg.13

 5th November 2017 session

Headed by Judge / Samir Mustafa, Vice President of the Court, and the membership of Judges / Saeed Fangari, Sayed El Daleel, Osama Darwish and Abdul Qawi Hefzy, Vice Presidents of the Court.


Appeal No. 1568 of Judicial Year 79

   law firm. unions . Annulment of the “interest in the appeal” “what decisions may not be appealed.”

Articles 13, 14/3 and 44 of Law 17 of 1983 regarding the legal profession. that it?

The lawyer appealed in cassation against the Bar Association's decision to transfer his name to the non-working list based on his request to join another job. Unacceptable. Bug and the basis for it?


Whereas Article 44 of the Advocacy Law promulgated by Law No. 17 of 1983 states in its first paragraph that: “The Council of the Bar, after hearing the lawyer’s statements or after announcing him in the event of his failure to attend, may issue a reasoned decision to transfer his name to the roll of non-practicing lawyers if he loses a condition of Conditions for registration in the general roll stipulated in this law. Since that is the case, and Article 13 of the aforementioned Advocacy Law states that: “It is required for a person to request that his name be entered in the general roll to be: 1-…, 2-…, 3-…, 4 - ...., 5 - ....,6 - ...., 7 - ...., 8 - .... Is there not a case in his case where it is not permissible to combine a lawyer with the following jobs: 1 - ...., 2 - ...., 3 - .... Public jobs in the government, public bodies, local administration, jobs in public sector companies or private jobs, except for work in legal departments that are authorized to do so in accordance with the provisions of this law .... - Attached is an official copy of it in the appeal file - that it was issued at the request of the appellant, in which he seeks approval to transfer his name to the list of non-employed persons, due to his appointment to a city council .... as a catering inspector, which contradicts the text of Article 14/3 of the Law on Advocacy regarding the inadmissibility of combining the legal profession with any other profession.Since that was the case, and it was decided that the interest in the right to appeal the judgment according to the text of Article 211 of the Code of Procedure was that the judgment had harmed the appellant, so he was judged with something for his opponent, and it may be like that when he did not fulfill all his requests if he was a plaintiff or if all his defense was not taken if He was a defendant, and if the principle is that the purely theoretical interest is not valid as a basis for the appeal when the appellant does not derive any benefit from it, the appeal against a judgment issued according to the requests of the appellant is not accepted, and the contested decision was issued according to the requests of the appellant as evidenced by the request submitted by him - Annex A true copy of him in the appeal file - due to his joining the position of a catering inspector, as he has a case of combining a lawyer with one of the jobs mentioned in the third paragraph of Article 14 of the Law of the Law, and on top of that, the contested decision was issued by the Bar Council concerned with its issuance pursuant to Article 44 of the aforementioned Advocacy Law, and it was justified in the manner previously explained, so the appeal is on an unspecified basis.Not accepting it.


the facts

A decision was issued by the Registration Committee at the Bar on.... to transfer the name of the appellant to the roll of non-practicing lawyers.

        He appealed this decision by way of cassation....etc.


   Whereas Article 44 of the Advocacy Law promulgated by Law No. 17 of 1983 states in its first paragraph that: “The Council of the Bar, after hearing the lawyer's statements or after announcing him in the event of his failure to attend, may issue a reasoned decision to transfer his name to the roll of non- practicing lawyers if he loses a condition of Conditions for registration in the general roll stipulated in this law. Since that is the case, and Article 13 of the aforementioned Advocacy Law states that: “It is required for a person to request that his name be entered in the general roll to be: 1-…, 2-…, 3-…, 4 - ...., 5 - ...., 6- ...., 7- ...., 8- .... Is there not a case in his case where it is not legal to combine a lawyer with the following jobs: 1- ...., 2 - ...., 3- .... Public jobs in the government, public bodies, local administration, jobs in public sector companies or private jobs, except for work in legal departments that are authorized to do so in accordance with the provisions of this law .... /2001 - Attached is an official copy of it in the appeal file -that it was issued at the request of the appellant, in which he seeks approval to transfer his name to the non-working list, because of his appointment to a city council .... as a catering inspector, which contradicts the text of Article 14/3 of The Law of the Law regarding the inadmissibility of combining the legal profession with any other profession, since that was the case, and the decision was based on the right to appeal the ruling according to a text Article 211 of the Pleadings Law is that the judgment has harmed the appellant, so he was judgments to something for his opponent,and it may be like that when he did not judge him with all his requests if he was a plaintiff, or if all his defense was not taken if he was a defendant, although the principle is that the purely theoretical interest is not valid as a basis for appeal when the appellant was not reaping any benefit from it, and he did not accept an appeal against a ruling issued in accordance with the requests of the appellant, and the contested decision had been issued according to the requests of the appellant as evidenced by the request submitted by him - attached a true copy of it to the appeal file - because of his joining the position of a supply inspector, as it is available in His right is the case of combining a lawyer with one of the jobs mentioned in the third paragraph of Article 14 of the Advocacy Law. more,With its issuance pursuant to Article 44 of the aforementioned Advocacy Law, and it was justified in the previously stated manner, so the appeal It is not based and is not acceptable.


السبت، 19 فبراير 2022

Cassation Appeal 8535 for the year 88 C session 9/1/2021

In the name of the people
Court of Cassation
Criminal Chamber
Saturday (b)
Written and headed by Judge / Ali Suleiman , "Vice President of the Court"
And the membership of Judges / Khaled El-Gendy and Ahmed Kamal El-Khouli , “Deputy President of the Court” , Rami Shoman and Yassin Ismail

And the presence of the Chief Public Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation, Mr. Amr Al-Minshawi.

And the Secretary, Mr. Taher Abdel-Radi.

In the public session held at the court’s headquarters in the High Court of Justice in Cairo.

On Saturday, 25 Jumada I , 1442 AH, corresponding to January 9, 2021 AD.

It issued the following ruling:

In the appeal registered in the court’s schedule No. 8535 for the year 88 Judicial.

Uploaded by:

1- Essam Ahmed Mohamed Al-Shabasi

2- Muhammad Abdul-Basit Musa Ibrahim Al-Far

3- Adnan Abdel Moneim Ahmed Al Hamamsi “convicted” opposite Public Prosecution


"the facts"

The Public Prosecution indicted: 1- Ayman Muhammad Muhammad Issa, known as Ayman Sheta 2- Mustafa al-Sayed Muhammad Zahran 3- Mustafa Sayed Ahmad Wahib 4- Muhammad Musaad Juma Gharib alias Muhammad Abu Ghraib 5- Mahmoud Hoda Sayed Owais 6- Abd al-Hadi Abd al-Karim al-Barbari 7- Alaa Abdul Karim Al-Barbari 8- Hamada Abu Zaid Attia 9- Saber Ezzedine Nasr Othman 10- Essam Ahmed Muhammad Al-Shabasi “the Plague” 11- Hussein Abbas Abu Salih 12- Muhammad Abdul-Basit Musa Ibrahim Al-Far “the Plague” 13- Adnan Abdel-Moneim Ahmed Al-Hamamsi “the Plague” 14- Saeed Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Aal Ibrahim 1 5- Waheed Muhammad Muhammad Al-Azali 16- Hani Marjan Jaber and his American fame 17- Samir Muhammad Muhammad al-Azli 18- Ahmad Bishr al-Sabbagh 19- Ahmad Muhammad Abdulaziz Kashiout, his fame is Ahmed Al-Haddouni 20- Waleed Khairy Muhammad Kilani 21- Amr Sami Al-Maghazi Farah 22- Saad Fathi Saad Sayed Ahmed Saleh 23- Muhammad Faraj Muhammad Jad Al-Haqq 24 -Tareq Arafa Juma Arafa in felony case No. 9793 for the year 2017 Edco Center (which is listed in the total table No. 1480 of 2017 , North Damanhour Valley).

That on August 19, 2017 , in the district of Idku Center - Buhaira Governorate:-

1- They and unknown others have joined an organized criminal group for the purposes of smuggling migrants.

2- They and others, unknown, began smuggling the migrants whose names were mentioned in the investigations, and that act threatened their protection and endangered their health. Among them were children and women whose names were mentioned in the investigations. This was when the accused used the seized watercraft owned by the fifteenth defendant for a purpose other than its intended purpose, but it was disappointed. The effect of the crime was due to a reason that had nothing to do with their will, which is the arrest of immigrants as indicated in the investigations.

3- Prepare a place to accommodate the immigrants as indicated in the investigations.

She referred them to the Damanhour Criminal Court to punish them according to the record and description contained in the referral order.

The aforementioned court ruled in the presence of the third, fifth, tenth, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and twenty-second defendants, and in absentia, for the rest on December 21 , 2017 , pursuant to Articles 1 , 5, 6, and 9 of Law No. 82 of 2016 regarding the issuance of the law to combat illegal immigration and smuggling of migrants. With the implementation of the text of Articles 17 of the Penal Code for the fifth, twelfth and thirteenth defendants, 32 of the same last law.

First: Punishing the following: 1- The first: Ayman Muhammad Muhammad Issa, whose fame is Ayman Shata 2- The second: Mustafa al-Sayyid Muhammad Zahran 4- Fourth: Muhammad Musaad Juma Gharib, his fame is Muhammad Abu Ghraib 6- The sixth: Abdul Hadi Abdul Karim al-Barbari 7- The seventh: Alaa Abd al-Karim al-Barbari 8 - Eighth: Hamada Abu Zaid Attia 9- Ninth: Saber Ezzedine Nasr Othman 15- Fifteenth: Waheed Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad al-Azli 16- Sixteenth: Hani Marjan Jaber and his American fame 17- Seventeenth: Samir Muhammad Muhammad al-Azali 18- Eighteenth: Ahmed Bishr al-Sabbagh 19- Nineteenth: Ahmed Muhammad Abdulaziz Qashiout, known as Ahmad Al-Haddouni, was imprisoned for fifteen years, fined two hundred thousand pounds, and obligated him to bear the housing and living expenses of the individuals whom he began smuggling and those accompanying them until the completion of the necessary judicial and administrative procedures, the expenses of returning them to their country or place of residence, and criminal expenses. Second: To punish the following: 1- The twentieth defendant: Walid Khairy Muhammad Kilani, and the twenty-first defendant:Amr Sami Al Maghazi Farah is imprisoned for three years and fined two hundred thousand pounds. 2- The third defendant / Mustafa Mustafa Sayed Ahmed Wahib, the tenth / Essam Ahmed Mohamed Al-Shabasi, and the eleventh / Hussein Abbas Abu Saleh, was imprisoned for three years and fined fifty thousand pounds 3- The fifth defendant / Mahmoud Hoda Sayed Ahmed Owais, the twelfth / Muhammad Abdel-Basit Musa Ibrahim Al-Far, and the thirteenth / Adnan Abdel-Moneim Ahmed Al-Hamamsi with imprisonment for one year and a fine of fifty thousand pounds, and obligating all of them to bear the housing and living expenses of the individuals whom he began smuggling and who accompany them until the end of the judicial procedures The necessary administrative and administrative expenses and the expenses of returning them to their country or place of residence and criminal expenses. Third: The acquittal of each of the fourteenth: Saeed Abdel Fattah Abdel Aal Ibrahim, the twenty-two / Saad Fathi Saad Sayed Ahmed Saleh, the twenty-third / Muhammad Faraj Muhammad Jad Al-Haq, and the twenty-fourth / Tariq Arafa Juma Arafa which is attributed to him.Said Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Aal Ibrahim, the twenty-first / Saad Fathi Saad Sayed Ahmed Saleh, the twenty-third / Muhammad Faraj Muhammad Jad al-Haq, and the twenty-fourth / Tariq Arafa, Juma Arafa, which was attributed to him.Said Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Aal Ibrahim, the twenty-first / Saad Fathi Saad Sayed Ahmed Saleh, the twenty-third / Muhammad Faraj Muhammad Jad al-Haq, and the twenty-fourth / Tariq Arafa, Juma Arafa, which was attributed to him.

The twelfth convict, Muhammad Abd al-Basit Musa al-Far, and the thirteenth convict, Adnan Abd al-Moneim Ahmad al-Hamamsi, appealed - in this judgment by way of cassation - on December 27, 2017.

The tenth convict, Essam Ahmed Muhammad Al-Shabasi, also appealed this ruling by way of cassation on January 15, 2018.

Two memoranda of reasons for the appeal were filed, the first on February 14, 2018, on behalf of all the appellants, signed by Mr. Abdel Moneim Abu Harj, the lawyer, and the second on February 17, 2018 on behalf of the twelfth convict / Muhammad Abdul-Basit Musa Ibrahim Al-Far, signed by Mr. Maher Naim Atallah. Lawyer .

In today's session, the court considered the appeal, where it heard the pleading, as indicated in the minutes of the session.



After reviewing the papers and hearing the report that was read by the judge, the judge, the pleading, and after legal deliberation:

As the appeal has fulfilled the form prescribed in the law.

The unreasonableness of perceiving the occurrence of the incident and its fabrication, the absence of evidence to convict them, the lack of serious investigations, the failure to file any accusation from the victims against the accused, the nullity of the Public Prosecution’s investigations with the victims due to the absence of an interpreter with them, and all the essential defenses made by the second appellant. All of this is wrong with the ruling and requires it to be overturned.

In the case presented - this is a realization of the rule of law, and therefore the appellants' prohibition that the judgment was marred by ambiguity and lack of knowledge of the facts and evidence of the case is irrelevant. Since that was the case, and the records of the contested judgment indicated that the court had become aware of the fact of the case and took note of the accusation against the convicts, and condemned them with the justifiable evidence that was taken by it while it was aware of its order, then arguing with it on the grounds of corruption in the inference and the distortion of the image of the incident in it implies a substantive dispute regarding Independent by the court of the subject without a commentator. As this was, and what the appellants raised about that they did not attempt to smuggle migrants or join a criminal group for the purpose of smuggling migrants is nothing more than a dispute in the form of the incident as the court was convinced of. The response to it is based on the evidentiary evidence mentioned by the judgment, since according to the judgment in order to be pampered and to be straightforward in his judgment, he should provide the productive evidence that he had on what he had extracted from the occurrence of the crime ascribed to the accused. . Since that is the case, and the obituary that the incident - assuming its authenticity - does not constitute any crime mentioned, is also a dispute over the image that the court has embraced of the incident and an objective argument in the authority of the subject court to extract the image of the incident as it was depicted in its conscience from which it is independent in adjudicating it without Expeditor .20 of Law No. 25 of 1966 promulgating the Military Provisions Law. Inspection of those entering and leaving the border areas - military or civilian - as members of the military police listed by Article 12Since this was, and it was decided that the appeal must be accepted, it must be clear and specific, indicating what the plaintiff aims at so that it becomes clear how important it is in the case presented and being productive in it. The ruling on memorizing it and responding to it, what he cites in this regard is not acceptable. The court indicates that the amount of the fine decided in the contested judgment is fifty thousand pounds, although the minimum fine that must be imposed according to the text of Article 6 of Law No.82 for the year 2016 6 in the matter of combating illegal immigration, it is two hundred thousand pounds, which cannot be corrected and corrected because the appeal is filed by the accused alone, and he is not harmed by his appeal according to the principle established in Article 43 of Law No. 57 of 1959 regarding cases and procedures for appeal before the Court of Cassation . In view of the foregoing, the appeal in its entirety is unfounded and must be rejected in substance.

For these reasons

The court ruled: accepting the appeal in form and in the matter by rejecting it.