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بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الاثنين، 19 ديسمبر 2022

مطول الجمل في شرح القانون المدني / مادة 10 : القانون المطبق على تكييف الروابط القانونية

۲ - النصوص الاجنبية المقابلة :

    C. Bustamente, Art. 6. Dans tous les cas prévus par le présent code, chacun des Etats contratants appliquera ses propres qualifications aux institutions ou relations juridiques qui doivent correspondre aux groupes de lois mentionnées à Particle 3.

        Restatement of the law of the conflict of laws.

    7. -  Law of forum applied: Except as stated in 8 when there is a difference in the conflict of laws of two states whose laws are involved in a problem, the rule of Conflict of laws of the forum is applied 

    (a) in all cases where as a preliminary to determining the choice of law it is necessary to determine the quality and character of legal ideas, these are determi- ned by the forum according to its law;

        (b) where in making the choice of law to govern a certain situation the law of another state is to be applied, since the only Conflict of Laws used in the deter- mination of the case is the Conflict of Laws of the forum, the foreign law to be applied is the law applicable to the matter in hand and not the Conflict of Laws of the foreign state.

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