
الثلاثاء، 10 مارس 2015

قرار مؤسسة الإمارات للاتصالات رقم 7 لسنة 2011

قرار رقم 7
صادر بتاريخ 08/06/2011 م 2
بشأن اعتماد نموذج رخصة البث الإذاعي الساتلي
الهيئة العامة لتنظيم قطاع الاتصالات :
بعد الاطلاع على المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم 3 لسنة 2003 في شأن تنظيم قطاع الاتصالات والقوانين المعدلة له ،
وعلى قرار اللجنة العليا للإشراف على قطاع الاتصالات رقم 3 لسنة 2004 بإصدار اللائحة التنفيذية للمرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم 3 لسنة 2003 في شأن تنظيم قطاع الاتصالات والقوانين المعدلة له ،
وعلى قرار مجلس الإدارة رقم 7 2 بشأن تنظيم الترخيص قرار رقم 6 لسنة 2008 بشأن الإطار التنظيمي للتراخيص ،
وبناءً على ما عرضه مدير عام الهيئة العامة لتنظيم قطاع الاتصالات ، وموافقة مجلس إدارة الهيئة ،
تقرر :
المادة الأولى
الموافقة على نموذج رخصة البث الإذاعي الساتلي كما هو مبين في المرفق .
المادة 2
يعمل بهذا القرار اعتباراً من تاريخ صدوره وينشر في الجريدة الرسمية .
صدر في أبو ظبي :
بتاريخ : 8 يونيو 2011م .
محمد أحمد القمزي
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
Description: http://www.elaws.gov.ae/images/Fish_WH.gif
Licence No of 2011
Pursuant to the provision of the Federal Law by Decree No 3 of 2003 Regarding the Organisation of the Telecommunication Sector as amended , this Broadcasting Satellite Services Licence is granted to [ ] for the period of ten years with effect from _______ to _______ to install , operate and manage the Public Telecommunication Network and to provide the Telecommunication Services specified in this Licence within the United Arab Emirates , subject to the conditions of this Licence , the provisions of the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 , its amendments , The Regulatory Framework , and all other applicable laws and regulations in the United Arab Emirates .
Signed by :
The General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunication Sector
1.1 - In implementing the conditions of this Licence , the following terms shall have the meanings given to them here unless the context requires otherwise . Any term used in this Licence and not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 and its amendments . Words denoting references to persons shall include natural and legal persons .
1.1 . 1 - Authority means the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunication Sector ;
1.1 . 2 - Broadcasting Code means the code on broadcasting standards or any other regulatory instrument regulating the nature or provision of Content , issued by a competent authority in the State , as amended from time to time ;
1.1 . 3 - Broadcasting Satellite Transmission Services means the uplink and downlink of communications between Satellites and Earth Stations which communications are used predominately for the delivery or control of audio material , video material and audio - visual material such as live or previously recorded performances including documentaries and news briefings , films , radio and television material for entertainment or education or both , and excludes communications for real - time two way voice telephony and data - communications not related to the control or delivery of the subject audio , video or audio - visual material ;
1.1 . 4 - Change in Control means any transaction , sale , contract , recapitalisation or other reorganisation or merger that results in a change in Control of the Licensee , including any transaction or series of transactions taking place after the date of this Licence as a result of which the holders of the voting securities or equity interests in the capital of the company immediately after its establishment , hold less than a majority for the voting power or equity interest in the Licensee after the transaction or series of transactions as the case may be ;
1.1 . 5 - Channel means a complitation of Programmes ;
1.1 . 6 - Channel Provider means a person making a Channel available for broadcasting within the State ;
1.1 . 7 - Companies Law means the Commercial Companies Law , Federal Law No . 8 of 1984 Regarding Commercial Companies , and the amending laws thereof ;
1.1 . 8 - Content means any information including systematic audio , visual or audio - visual , live or previously recorded performance , presentation , films , features , dramas or advertisements transmitted , relayed or distributed ;
1.1 . 9 - Control means the ownership of more than 50 % of the voting interests in any person and / or the ability to control in fact the business and affairs of that person whether by ownership , contract , or otherwise ;
1.1 . 10 - Customer means any person who has entered into a contract with the Licensee to receive the Licensed Services ;
1.1 . 11 - Earth Station means an apparatus or multiple apparatus located on the Earth’s surface and intended and used for communication with one or more Satellites ;
1.1 . 12 - Executive Order means the Executive Order issued pursuant to the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 , as may be amended or replaced from time to time ;
1.1 . 13 - Frequency Spectrum Authorisation means an authorisation which permits the use of specific radio frequencies subject to terms and conditions as stipulated by the Authority ;
1.1 . 14 - Licence means this document , as may be amended or replaced from time to time ;
1.1 . 15 - Licensed Network means the Public Telecommunications Network described in Article 3 ;
1.1 . 16 - Licensed Services means the Public Telecommunications Services described in Article 4 ;
1.1 . 17 - Licensee means the person described on page 1 of this Licence ;
1.1 . 18 - Other Licensed Operators or Another Licensed Operator means entities other than the Licensee which are licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 , its amendments and Executive Order ;
1.1 . 19 - Programme means a single item of Content within a schedule or catalogue established by a Channel Provider , the primary purpose of which is to entertain , educate or to inform an audience , including sponsorship or advertising matters , whether or not of a commercial nature ;
1.1 . 20 - Regulatory Framework means all the regulatory instruments issued by the Authority from time to time including any revisions or amendments made to them ;
1.1 . 21 - Satellite means an apparatus located inside or outside the Earth’s atmosphere which exchanges communications with Earth Stations and / or other Satellites ;
1.1 . 22 - State means the United Arab Emirates ;
1.1 . 23 - Telecommunications Apparatus means apparatus made or adapted for use in transmitting , receiving , or conveying any of the Licensed Services through the Licensed Network ; and
1.1 . 24 - Terminal means the equipment used by Customers to access the Licensed Service .
2.1 - This Licence shall come into force on the date of its issuance by the Authority until its expiry date as set out in the Licence .
2.2 - The Licensee shall at all times comply with the terms of this Licence , the relevant provision of the Regulatory Framework , the Frequency Spectrum Authorisation and all the relevant laws of the State as may be amended from time to time .
3.1 - Subject to Article 3.2 , the Licensee may install , operate and manage a Telecommunications Network comprising of only one or more Satellites . Earth Stations , network operation centres , associated backhaul capacity and associated terrestrial facilities .
3.2 - The terms : “ associated backhaul capacity ” and “ associated terrestrial facilities ” as used in Article 3.1 means backhaul capacity and terrestrial facilities necessary to carry , and only used to carry , communications ( including communications related to telemetry ) to and from Earth Stations , for the purposes of providing the Broadcasting Satellite Transmission Services .
3.3 - The Licensee shall notify the Authority of any significant changes to the Licensed Network or to any stored commands or protocols contained in it and shall provide the Authority with information about the changes and their effect in the State .
3.4 - The Licensed Network including all Telecommunications Apparatus shall conform to the technical specifications for networks and equipment including for the use of frequency spectrum , as may be set out in the Regulatory Framework .
3.5 - The Licensee shall obtain all necessary authorisations , licences and permits as may be required to build , modify and remove any construction in accordance with the relevant laws in the State .
4.1 - The Licensee is authorised to provide Broadcasting Satellite Transmission Services in the State but only by means of the Licensed Network .
4.2 - The Licensee shall comply with the Broadcasting Code .
4.3 - Where the competent authority with statutory responsibility for regulation of Content in the State determines that certain Content is unacceptable on the grounds that it is a breach of the Broadcasting Code , the Authority may serve notice on the Licensee , requiring the Licensee to cease the broadcasting of the Programme or the Channel as the case may be . Service of such a notice shall require the Licensee to secure that , within the time period specified by the Authority , such Programme or Channel as the case may be , is not carried by the Licensee .
5.1 - The Licensee shall pay an Annual Licence fee of AED 100,000 .
5.2 - The Annual Licence fee shall be paid in full on each anniversary date of the Licence .
5.3 - The Licensee shall pay an Acquisition fee of AED 100,000 before being issued with a licence .
The Licensee shall commission the Licensed Network and provide the Licensed Services on a commercial basis within a time - frame specified by the Authority from the date of commencement of this Licence .
7.1 - The Licensee shall be a local juridical entity established and in good standing in accordance with the relevant laws of the State , an Emirate or Free Zone , as applicable and as amended from time to time .
7.2 - Any Change in Control of the Licensee shall require the prior written consent of the Authority .
7.3 - The ownership of the Licence may not be transferred without the prior written consent of the Authority and until and unless all outstanding fees have been paid to the Authority .
7.4 - The Licensee may subcontract the provision of any or all of the Licensed Services to another juridical entity ( or otherwise arrange for those activities to be conducted by another juridical entity on its behalf ), with prior written approval of the Authority , provided that the Licensee shall continue to be fully liable for any obligations set out in this Licence or imposed on the Licensee pursuant to the Regulatory Framework . whether in relation to the provision of the Licensed Services or otherwise . If the subcontracted juridical entity is and remains wholly owned by the Licensee , the prior written approval of the Authority shall not be required , provided that the Authority is notified of such arrangements .
8.1 - The Licensee shall :
8.1 . 1 - comply with all localisation policies in the State ;
8.1 . 2 - comply with the laws , policies or directions for foreign investment in the capital of the company ;
8.1 . 3 - notify the Authority of shareholding in the company or any merger , change or restructuring to the capital of the company ;
8.1 . 4 - maintain its books of account and financial statements in accordance with the accounting standards and principles generally applied in the State ;
8.1 . 5 - ensure that its books of account are audited annually by an independent firm of auditors registered in the State ;
8.1 . 6 - submit 5 certified copies of its annual financial statements to the Authority within 4 months of the end of each financial year ; and
8.1 . 7 - preserve its financial records and books of account for a period of 10 years after the end of each financial year .
8.2 - The Licensee’s financial year for purposes of maintaining its accounts shall start in January and end in December each year .
8.3 - The Licensee shall provide information to the Authority on request and in the manner directed by the Authority , which may include any document , accounts , records , commercial agreements entered into with Customers or other information specified in a notice , that may be required by the Authority for the performance of its functions .
8.4 - The Licensee shall comply with all legal requirements for conducting business in the State and any Emirate in which the Licensee is to provide Licensed Services . These requirements may include without limitation , the registration or incorporation of an entity for carrying out those activities in the relevant place .
The Licensee shall permit the Authority or its authorised agent to have access to any premises of the Licensee and to inspect any Telecommunications Apparatus or documents including accounts or other records at any time to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Licence and the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 , its amendments , Executive Order and the Regulatory Framework .
The Licensee shall not use or knowingly permit the use of the Licensed Network or the Licensed Services for any purpose that violates the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 and its amendments or any other applicable laws or the Regulatory Framework . The Licensee shall endeavour to take all reasonable action to ensure that the Licensed Network and the Licensed Services are not used for any such purposes .
The Licensee shall apply to the Authority for Frequency Spectrum Authorisation in accordance with the Regulatory Framework and shall comply with the terms of any authorisations issued .
The Licensee shall in its dealings with Customers , act promptly and in a transparent manner . The Licensee shall not unduly discriminate against similarly situated Customers and shall generally deal with Customers in accordance with the Regulatory Framework .
Where a dispute remains unresolved between the Licensee and Other Licensed Operators or Between the Licensee and a Customer or where a complaint is referred directly to the Authority , the Authority may resolve the matter in accordance with the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 , its amendments , Executive Order and the Regulatory Framework . In all cases the Licensee shall cooperate fully with the Authority for the resolution of disputes .
The Licensee shall make publicily available the charges for its Licensed Services and terms and conditions on which the Licensed Services are provided .
15.1 - The Licensee shall not intentionally interrupt the operation of the Licensed Network , or provision of the Licensed Services without first notifying the Authority in writing and giving reasonable notice to Customers . The notice shall indicate the time during which the interruption will take place .
15.2 - The Licensee shall not cease to provide Licensed Services without the express written approval of the Authority .
The Licensee shall comply with the rules regarding anti - competitive conduct as set out in the Regulatory Framework .
17.1 - The Licensee shall comply with any directions as the Authority or other competent authorities may issue in case of public emergency on matters relating to the activities of or the ownership of the Licensee .
17.2 - The Licensee shall comply with any directions which the Authority or other competent authorities may issue from time to time on matters relating to public interest , safety and / or national security . Furthermore the Licensee shall not undertake to provide any services which do not meet the requirements of any competent authority responsible for public interest , safety and national security .
17.3 - The Licensee shall comply with any direction from the Authority or any competent authority requiring it to allow any authorised person by the Authority or any competent authority to assume full or partial control of the Licensed Services and / or the Licensed Network . Any such direction shall be in writing .
18.1 - The Licensee shall have access to and use of public and private land in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 , its amendments . Executive Order and Regulatory Framework .
18.2 - The Licensee shall comply with the directions of the Authority or any other competent authority in relation to the protection of the environment .
19.1 - Any application by the Licensee for an amendment to the Licence shall be made in writing to the Authority and state the following :
19.1 . 1 - the provisions of the Licence which are requested to be amended ; and
19.1 . 2 - the reasons for the application .
19.2 - The Authority shall consider the request and may seek further information if necessary before deciding in its discretion :
19.2 . 1 - to amend the Licence ;
19.2 . 2 - not to amend the Licence ; and
19.2 . 3 - to amend the Licence but with modifications or upon certain terms .
19.3 - The Authority may amend or revoke the Licence to ensure that the provisions of the Licence are in accordance with or do not conflict with the provisions of :
19.3 . 1 - the laws of the UAE , and in particular the Telecommunications Law and its Executive Order .
19.3 . 2 - the Regulatory Framework in effect at the time ; and
19.3 . 3 - any decision of any UAE government entity or official .
19.4 - An amendment or revocation initiated by the Authority shall be by way of the following process :
19.4 . 1 - Written notice of the proposed amendment or revocation , a draft of any such amendment and the reason for same shall be given by the Authority to the Licensee ; and
19.4 . 2 - the Licensee shall be given a reasonable time to respond .
19.5 - The Authority shall consider the response of the Licensee before deciding whether :
19.5 . 1 - to amend or revoke the Licence .
19.5 . 2 - not to amend or revoke the Licence .
19.5 . 3 - to amend the Licence but with modifications .
20.1 - The Licensee shall be subject to penalties ( including fines ) as provided in the Federal Law Decree No . 3 , its amendments and Executive Order , or the Regulatory Framework , if the Licensee fails to comply with any of the following :
20.1 . 1 - any obligation under the Federal Law by Decree No . 3 of 2003 , its amendments and the Executive Order ;
20.1 . 2 - any obligation within the provisions of the Licence ; or
20.1 . 3 - obligations contained in the Regulatory Framework .
21.1 - The Licensee shall not be in breach of any condition of this Licence if its failure to perform results directly from force majeure . Force majeure shall not include the insolvency of the Licensee , or the inability of the Licensee to meet its debts or other financial obligations .
21.2 - The Licensee shall notify the Authority immediately on the occurrence of any event of force majeure giving the anticipated effects of the force majeure and the expected duration , and steps to be taken by the Licensee to mitigate the effects if possible .
The Arabic language version of the Licence is the binding version . However an official English Language version has been prepared for guidance and assistance in interpretation of the Arabic language version .

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